Dale Bronner

El Dr. Dale C. Bronner es una autoridad en el tema de la sabiduría. Líder de líderes, enseña poderosos principios de éxito probados en todos los tiempos. El Dr. Bronner es miembro de la junta de directores de la organización de John C. Maxwell, EQUIP Leadership, Inc. Sirve en la junta de directores y es co-propietario de Bronner Brothers Manufacturing Company, Inc., una empresa familiar multimillonaria de más de sesenta años. Es, además, pastor de Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, obispo de una red de más de 16.000 iglesias, y autor de nueve libros, entre ellos, Cambie Su Trayectoria. Reside en Atlanta, Georgia junto a su esposa, Nina. Son padres de cinco hijas y un hijo, y abuelos de dos nietas y dos nietos. // Dr. Dale C. Bronner started his first job at five years old delivering newspapers. At twelve, he began processing the payroll for his father’s business, Bronner Bros. Manufacturing Co., Inc. Over the years, he transitioned through a myriad of jobs in both retail and the ministry. He was called to his first pastorate at age twenty-seven, and founded Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral two years later, an interdenominational ministry that is now thriving with more than 20,000 members. He is a sought-after conference speaker, a leadership trainer, and the author of Get A Grip (1996), Guard Your Gates (2002), A Check Up from the Neck Up (2003), Treasure Your Silent Years (2004), Home Remedies (2005), Pass the Baton (2006), Planning Your Succession (2008), and Change Your Trajectory (2015). Bishop Bronner’s message reaches millions daily through his international multimedia broadcast. He resides in Atlanta with his wife, Nina. They are the proud parents of four daughters and one son, and the proud grandparents of two granddaughters and two grandsons. www.DaleBronner.com // Facebook.com/Bishop-Dale-C-Bronner // Twitter @BishopBronner

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