Héctor Teme

Héctor Teme es el ícono del coaching cristiano con la previsión sagaz de los cambios generacionales. El Coach Maestro de más personas, organizaciones, gobiernos e iglesias en toda Iberoamérica, transformó el coaching cristiano en el nuevo modelo que está influenciando de manera radical al liderazgo del más alto nivel. Es fundador y presidente de Métodocc, con un alcance mediático internacional de millones de personas. Preside la Christian Coaching University. Reside en Miami, Florida, junto a su esposa Laura, y tienen tres hijas. Héctor Teme is the Christian Coaching icon with the uniquely sharp vision for generational changes. The Master Coach of more people, organizations, governments and churches, he has transformed Christian Coaching into the new model that is powerfully influencing people at the highest level of leadership. He is founder and president of Métodocc, with an international media outreach of millions of people. He is also president of Christian Coaching University. Dr. Teme lives in Miami, Florida, with his wife Laura, and they have three daughters.

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